Citia Card Deck Q3 - 2024
— SACE® Emax 2 Retrofill circuit breakers BBC LK/LKE/MB/MBE 32, 40, & 42 direct replacement retrofits
Product description SACE® Emax 2 Retrofill circuit breakers are designed to retrofill existing low voltage circuit breaker compartments with a streamlined solution that gives the switchgear a new lease on life. Emax 2 Retrofills replace the existing legacy circuit breaker with a modern circuit breaker without the need for cubicle bus or racking modifications. ABB’s new BBC LK and MB Emax 2 retrofits extend the retrofit line for legacy ITE/BBC/ABB LK, LKE, MB, and MBE circuit breakers to 4200 A frames. They are compatible with existing legacy switchgear and are tested to the legacy circuit breaker specification, where applicable. These retrofill circuit breakers meet the standards and testing criteria of the latest version of ANSI, NEMA, and IEEE.
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